Friday, June 26, 2009

Mulberry Ink

After our walk today I asked my mom if she had any ink. I bought a really cool feather pen at the farmer's market yesterday and wanted to use it. She said that we could make some from the mulberries. I wrote a card to my dad with the mulberry ink and the feather pen. Here are some pictures of how we made the ink.

Photographing the Fairies

Today we went to photograph the fairies. We wanted to take pictures of them by the really nice mushrooms we saw last week but someone took all the mushrooms away so we took pictures of them in different places. I set the fairies up and my mom took the pictures. We saw a baby bunny and ate some raspberries that were ripe while we were out. We also picked some wild carrot and wild garlic.

First Farmer's Market

Today I had my first actual store. I sold one mermaid and met a lot of people and gave a lot of people my website name. A fiber artist named Wendy came to talk to me. I showed the lady from the Alpaca farm what I made with her alpacas (she has a booth behind us). I made my own sign to go with the store. A lot of people looked at the mermaids and asked questions.

My First DVD

I've made a lot of movies with mom but today I wanted to make a real DVD because I will be setting up a booth at the farmer's market and I want to show people how I make the felted mermaids. I made little packages of roving and supplies and my mom made some DVDs.

Alpaca Farm

Today we went to visit some alpacas at a farm near where we live. They were very cute. They get very hot in the summer and so they have to be hosed down twice every day. My favorite was the chocolate llama. We bought some wool roving from Snowmobile and Hershey's Kiss. When I came home I made some mermaids and food from the roving we bought and some other roving we got in Colorado when we went to the Waldorf conference last year.